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Iron Ponies Registration Is Live

By Tiffany Surran, 07/08/24, 10:00AM CDT


Ponies teams are capped at 14 players.  Several teams are sold out.  If your team is sold out below please add yourself to the waitlist. 

Once I have enough players in your grade on the waitlist I will open a new team.  CLICK HERE to join the waitlist.

Team Availability as of 7/23/24

Grad Year Cooresponding Grade Team Spots Remaining
2036 1st 2036 SOLD OUT
2036 1st New Team Opened JUST OPENED
2035 2nd 2035 SOLD OUT
2034 3rd Carolina SOLD OUT
2034 3rd Navy (St Rita) SOLD OUT
2034 3rd Orange (St Thomas) SOLD OUT

Registration went live yesterday for the Iron Ponies teams for the 2024/2025 year for 2034 and 2035 and the fall for 2036!  When you click on the registration link above it will show you the practice dates/times/costs and tournament dates.  

The registration response has been high for returning players with one team already sold out and several more near capacity.  Please see the teams above and capacity.  

If we expand much further than this (create new teams) we may be able to have our own tournament at Jesuit and drop one of the 2 tournaments I listed in the schedule.   I think you will agree that based upon this past year it would make complete sense to do this as we played ourselves a lot in some of the tournaments in which we participated.  

One thing we are going to do differently this year is add some scrimmaging to our practices.  

Ongoing Summer Lacrosse and Our Vacation

We are still going strong with the final 2 tournaments for our older teams.  We will be doing a hard shut down on Thursday, July 18th as we head into our final tournament weekend until July 31st so email responses will be slow during that time as we take a very small breather from the summer prior to our August 2nd and 3rd tryout date.  

Why We Do Iron Ponies

A couple of things about why we do the Ponies the way we do that I think you will find relevant....

We have an open signup for 1st-3rd grade because you just can't cut kids from a team this early.  We have been doing this for 19 years now and I can tell you it is a fact that some players that are daisy pickers in first grade end up being your strongest players in middle school.  Some players that are your middle of the road kids end up being your standouts in high school because they have been working hard at their game continuously striving to get better.  Furthermore, we have seen that super athletic do it all kid who is a gifted athlete at a young age peter out in high school because he never had to work to be good and those players that were continuously working on bettering their game went through puberty and passed them up.  

We want your players to love lacrosse so they keep doing it!  If they love it they will want to work on their games and do better on their own.

If you have ever talked to me about this you know what I am about to say, "puberty is the great equalizer".  Everyone goes through it and no one is going to skip it!  

True Story 

We had a Southlake player come to us that had been cut from another select team in 5th grade.  The boy loved lacrosse and was devastated, but did not give up.  He enrolled in our skills for the fall and summer and by the next year he was good enough to make our select team for his age.  He played on our teams and did skills with us through 12th grade, committed to a D1 college and by his senior year was one of their lacrosse captains.  

One of the things Coach Surran always tells people is "trust the process!"  It is a process and there is a method to the madness.    


Tiffany Surran